Aaron Sharghi blog

Friday, May 05, 2006

Return to Chad - Coming soon

The Chad presidential "election" came and went with little noise, and should it remain calm, I am slated to return "home" on or after the 15 May.

Now it is Friday afternoon. In every African country that I have worked in, the office is officially closed after 1-2 PM. This is primarily for the Muslims who go to Friday afternoon prayer, the biggest prayer of the week. This means, it is time to leave the office.

But before I go, just to share something interesting that I saw in my hotel room - it was on a National Geographic commercial. I was amused.

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.


  • Zulu entry - May 5, 2006
    How lucky I am to be in America –
    Today I was awakened by the noise of the garbage truck collecting my refuge. I am fortunate enough to live in a place where the waste from my city block powers over the exhaust from the diesel engine in the garbage truck. The fumes drifted through the screen and met my nostrils with pleasure. It was like bacon and eggs on a Saturday morning. The truck has a new mechanical arm that picks up trash and swallows it whole, like a rhinoceros does a human. All the village children rush out each week to see this amazing feat. It has the body of a truck, but the arm of an assembly line robot. Sorta like a hybrid between two animals in the wild African desert. I can only image what the cross between an Iranian and a Zulu woman would look like.

    I was fortunate this week that I only had to work 54 hours. I think I am going to walk to the curb with my spare 3 minutes. It’s like I had vacation and I didn’t have to claim it. Speaking of being out in the Akron Serengeti, I was bitten by a wild mosquito today and now I have this horrible bump on my hand. Upper class people look at me as if I am deformed and won’t make eye contact with me from their Mercedes. Not everyone can be as fortunate to drive a vehicle with 12 speakers. Mine only has 6. It would have 8 if I didn’t opt for the air conditioning, 12 disc CD player, and moonroof. Yes, I am living in poverty. I fact I had to eat meat 4 times this week just to get by. My winter fat is shedding and I really need to start bulking up again. You never know when the dry season is going to hit and the hundreds of chicken, cow, and pig raising farms will vanish like a corn kernel in Ethiopia.

    Politics in our region play a huge part of our happiness. Our county passed a no smoking ban in public buildings. Thank goodness they left it up to the individual cities to enforce it. I can now smoke my peace pipe with my friends. Yesterday my neighbor knocked on my door and said that I had to evacuate because the military was going from door to door looking for someone named boobly-boobly and thought I might be him, or at least acquainted to him. This turned out to be an invite for the block party. We stayed up until sunrise and drank and danced and talked. The women were plenty and the beer flowed like a forty foot waterfall.

    I must retreat back to my quarters now. The sun is descending below the horizon and I don’t have much oil left in my lamp. Toodles.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:33 PM  

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